Monday, July 20, 2009

new resolutions

I wanna play piano.I wanna be good at it.I really do.I know I keep giving myself lame excuses.Busy with assignments.Final year project,this and that.

Told myself, if want something,nothing can stop me.And with that, I promised myself:
> I will at least practice for 1 hour a day.
> Watch all of Lypur's tutorial videos and make sure to learn all the theory and
whatsoever from there.
> Save money so that I can buy a full length and sensitive keyboard at the end of
the semester ^^
> Listen to more music,like what has been suggested by Lina.Thanks Lina =)
> BE HEALTHY,So that I will be able to achieve my dream XD

I feel a bit dissapointed for not starting piano when I was younger.Now, everything is kinda difficult and..
NO MORE EXCUSES!!!Well, everything happens for a reason.-_-
and I don't wanna think bout anything now.
I just wanna do what I'm suppose to do *getting my degree etc* and live life to the fullest.
And please *telling myself*, I have to be smart at handling stress. FYI, a super tiny problem is enough to make me stress.
And I am worried I will die early because of that.I have to think of happy moments, happy faces,good things!
I am not feeling well since last Thursday,and that's stressful!I gotta see doctor tomorrow.I hate my over-sensitive nose.It started making problems since the very first semester I entered Uni.
We'll see what the doctor has to say tomorrow.

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