Sunday, July 12, 2009

I want this baby

I want this baby.But when I saw the price,I felt like fainting.haha
Start saving!!Once I finish this semester,I'm gonna go for keyboard-hunting!So,I give myself bout 4months to save money.Good luck to me.
Well,it doesn't necessarily have to be exactly this keyboard.I just want a full-length,sensitive keyboard.


  1. hi. im keyboard "hunting" too. lol. well, not actually hunting but dreaming coz i have no experiance nor knowledge whatsoever in keyboards.

    is that keyboard a professional keyboard? professional keyboards need seperate amps rite? so doesn't it cost much more? for a novice like me, what kinda keyboard will ya suggest? lol.

    btw, is that keudae aka jenny's keyboard? XP

  2. Denise hi!!Actually I don't know what advice to give you.You gotta ask someone like Jenny or Melissa bout the keyboard.I don't really know about it either.Sorry!-_-
    Yes,it's the same brand as Jenny's but not the same model,I guess?I can't remember.^^

  3. lol. thanks anyways. i read that u learn korean? wow! so syok. level 3 somemore... pro. and if im not mistaken, u r in the chemistry field rite? wat will u be in the future? u r malaysian rite? west malaysian? haiz so syok. everything got. not like me. stuck in east malaysia. everything lacking n slow...

  4. LOLLLL!!!yes yes..i'm studying chemistry my final year.i can be a chemist or researcher if i want.but i just wanna do something else if i have other options =p
    yes,i am learning korean,3rd level.yes i live in selangor.^^ what's your plan after your spm? ^^

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. after spm. hmm... far future or near future. if near future, i kena plkn. so all my plans for the holiday like learn piano, find somewhere that teaches korean and learn korean, have fun, etc, ruined. if far future, im thinking abt futhering my studies in english? or mass communications but i think mass comm not likely la coz im a quiet type of gal. hehez

    hey, sorry for removing the earlier comment. i typed something senseless and i retpye it again. didnt know it'll leave a scar. sorry about that.

  7. haha.that's ok.ohh.goin for plkn ey?o ok..enjoy your 'training' over there ^^ wow!english? you wanna apply ipta or goin for ipts?btw,i'm studying in ukm =)
