Thursday, July 23, 2009

I hate my life

and..again..I made ANOTHER mistake.I know I should have just completed it months ago..and just now, someone just told me to hurry do the report and he told me the problems we are facing. again.I know it's my fault.Do I have to blame myself for it?Ok, as a secretary of the club, I know I should do all reports,proposal etc.But Hello?Look what the previous seniors had done to us? I even asked them the reports etc, but some were just don't care about it. And what Zul told me about the consequence is enough to make my blood pressure hits the highest point it possibly can go. And so, I disconnect the line just to concentrate on doing the report.And now,they are all gone. I want them to see the report I have completed.Well I don't have any experience,and I want them to check it.Showed to a friend and she said my report's kinda simple and short but that's ok.She added usually people insert budget,some photos etc..and now, I just don't know what to do.Why do I have to be the secretary?Why do I even have to have a post in the club?!
I hate my life.I'll just bear with it and wait for the best thing to happen in my life.
Like..what?what?you tell me?FYI,I HATE MY LIFE, HERE!

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