Monday, June 1, 2009

1st day

I started walking at 5.45pm today. Made 10 rounds and went home. My legs are freaking tired right now.. I didn't really sweating, maybe it was windy this evening.
Had a mexican bun for breakfast ( i know it's fattening! XD) didn't eat anything for lunch. Had an apple, banana and 2 pieces of chicken(fattening!!!!) for dinner.
Tomorrow I gotta close my eyes whenever I pass the kitchen.-_-
I need to drink plenty of water. Continue my daily brisk walking or do Paula Abdul's workout..

You know dad came home with 6bars of Cadbury choc and I was like....whaaaaaatt!!! -_-
I need to be strict to myself.No choc, no rice, no junk food until this Sunday. and drinkkkkkkk plenty of water and exercise exercise exercise!!

I have 5 more weeks before the new semester starts.. I need to make sure I lose like 6 7kg?
go go!!!
well, good luck to me ^^)


  1. oh no! don't fast, smurf-san, it's better to eat three to five small meals a day!
    *walks with you*
    Be healthy and don't push TOO hard... :)
    FIGHTING! Dieting and exercising together *high five*

  2. oh!!Jenny dear!I just realized that you read and commented on this post!*happpppyyyyyy*thanks dear!I will exercise and eat healthy meals!^^
