Saturday, June 6, 2009


My keyboard pedal didn't work yesterday. I was mad. Swearing in front of my parents.Oops!
This morning, I took out a screw driver from my dad's tool box and I opened the pedal, hoping to fix it..opened it, then pressed this, scratched my head, went to the toilet..then tried to see whether it's ok or not.NOOOO!still not working..I opened it again..tried this and that.and at lastttttt, managed to fix it!yeayyy!!!thank god.I spent rm 56 for that thing and it's not even 6months.ceit!

owh my.I only went for exercise twice this week. And during lunch I ate rice etc. God, I need to be strong and say no!!!to those who ask me out for XD
Thought of uploading the clothes I wanna wear here, but my sister brought the camera to her lecturer's wedding. So, I'll just upload it later ya..

I have so much things to say yesterday and the day before that, but I have forgotten all of it O__o memory is getting weaker each day. I guess because everyday I inhale all sorts of chemicals at the office?ohhhh by the time I reach 30--->RIP

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