Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Life is really stressful.
I panicked.I cried.I felt really down this evening all because of polymer lecture today.Only God knows how we struggled searching for the answer.Seven of us went to the lecturers' rooms.Went up and down,from this professor's room to the other and thank GOD!!Dr. Azizan was there, helped us A LOT!Thank you Professor!May God Bless you! =)
And Only GOD knows how I answered my polymer test.I don't wanna think bout it anymore.
Now I have to study Kinetics.The test is tomorrow!and I haven't started doing the revision yet!*knocks the head*
Tomorrow,me and my girls have to discuss for our final year project.The reactions, glassware and chemicals needed, how to synthesize certain chemical compounds, AND I have to submit it to my supervisor by this FRIDAY.SOmeone please kill me now.On Saturday morning,I will be having organic test.I never liked this subject.I never failed to get a C for every organic paper I sat for.haha.-_-

Life is stressful,isn't it?
So when can I sit back, relax and enjoy watching my favourite korean drama??O__________o

During Korean class, our lecturer asked us again who wanted to participate in the speech contest.I guess I was the only person in the class who's thinking bout it.He said 2 students from 2nd level are going to participate.He looked at me as if 'why don't you give it a try?'haha.I raised my hand asking bout it.He opened up the website and showed us the rules and regulations of the contest.It will be held on the 8th of October in UM. 80% of me wanted this, but I don't think I can speak in front of the public.I always get nervous even for small things.
I want to participate,yes I want..My parents encouraged me to join.Especially my father. It doesn't matter whether I win or not I just wanna try.But..ahhh too many buts!!I need someone to talk to..regarding this matter.
I always think,why do I have to be afraid to speak in front of people?I don't know them and they don;t know me. They are not cannibals or gods or presidents of large companies or what.They are just human beings like ME.When I do presentation,my heart rate increases,my hands freeze,my lips turn dry and my fingers can't stop shaking!and I tend to speak very fast whenever I do presentation.Not because I want to end it fast,it's just tututututtu
Just now I asked my friends bout how do I like when I present,they said my face looks cool,not like I'm nervous.But yes I speak very fast but doesn't look nervous at all! o God,they don't know how I feel inside.haha.Well thanks for the compliment?I guess XD
Maybe I'll go see my supervisor?She's the super nice lecturer in the whole wide world!^^ and tell her bout my 'problem'.Well she told us we can just go to her if we have problem.So,this is the time smurf!XD or maybe I just message her through FB.haha.How cool is that?A lecturer communicates with her student through FB.angangangXD

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