Saturday, August 29, 2009


I had a very bad headache last night because of my organic test.haha.My blood pressure must have been really high last night.This was the second time I got an extreme headache because of worrying too much.The first one was during my first year. I was clueless about this 1 particular subject I took. And a day before I take the exam, I called my mom telling her I wanna play piano once I have finished my exams.And we agreed to buy a keyboard after my exam. ^^
And today,right after the test,went back to hostel and I slept from 12 to 5pm. Woke up and went to bazaar ramadhan with my coursemates.
Next paper is on Tuesday and Saturday.
My mum keep asking when I'm coming back.I told her I have too much work and I don't think I'll be back until the raya holiday comes.*sounds like anak derhaka* -_-
I am sorry mama, I will try to settle all of my things over here and be back home to break fast with the family.I haven't gone home like 3 weeks.That's considered a long time since my house is just in PJ. Even those who stay farther go back every week.
Tomorrow I have to start doing my proposal for the final year project. And on wednesday I have to show it to my Professor,do corrections,submit it by the second week of September.
Besides that I have to settle my group assigment,my Korean essay (200-500words), my solid state chemistry assignment. Can these be done before the raya holiday which starts on the 19th?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Life is really stressful.
I panicked.I cried.I felt really down this evening all because of polymer lecture today.Only God knows how we struggled searching for the answer.Seven of us went to the lecturers' rooms.Went up and down,from this professor's room to the other and thank GOD!!Dr. Azizan was there, helped us A LOT!Thank you Professor!May God Bless you! =)
And Only GOD knows how I answered my polymer test.I don't wanna think bout it anymore.
Now I have to study Kinetics.The test is tomorrow!and I haven't started doing the revision yet!*knocks the head*
Tomorrow,me and my girls have to discuss for our final year project.The reactions, glassware and chemicals needed, how to synthesize certain chemical compounds, AND I have to submit it to my supervisor by this FRIDAY.SOmeone please kill me now.On Saturday morning,I will be having organic test.I never liked this subject.I never failed to get a C for every organic paper I sat for.haha.-_-

Life is stressful,isn't it?
So when can I sit back, relax and enjoy watching my favourite korean drama??O__________o

During Korean class, our lecturer asked us again who wanted to participate in the speech contest.I guess I was the only person in the class who's thinking bout it.He said 2 students from 2nd level are going to participate.He looked at me as if 'why don't you give it a try?'haha.I raised my hand asking bout it.He opened up the website and showed us the rules and regulations of the contest.It will be held on the 8th of October in UM. 80% of me wanted this, but I don't think I can speak in front of the public.I always get nervous even for small things.
I want to participate,yes I want..My parents encouraged me to join.Especially my father. It doesn't matter whether I win or not I just wanna try.But..ahhh too many buts!!I need someone to talk to..regarding this matter.
I always think,why do I have to be afraid to speak in front of people?I don't know them and they don;t know me. They are not cannibals or gods or presidents of large companies or what.They are just human beings like ME.When I do presentation,my heart rate increases,my hands freeze,my lips turn dry and my fingers can't stop shaking!and I tend to speak very fast whenever I do presentation.Not because I want to end it fast,it's just tututututtu
Just now I asked my friends bout how do I like when I present,they said my face looks cool,not like I'm nervous.But yes I speak very fast but doesn't look nervous at all! o God,they don't know how I feel inside.haha.Well thanks for the compliment?I guess XD
Maybe I'll go see my supervisor?She's the super nice lecturer in the whole wide world!^^ and tell her bout my 'problem'.Well she told us we can just go to her if we have problem.So,this is the time smurf!XD or maybe I just message her through FB.haha.How cool is that?A lecturer communicates with her student through FB.angangangXD

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Fasting month is finally here.I HAVE to take this advantage to loooooosssseeee weight! =P

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I wanna be skinny!

Now I am obsessed with clothes.Especially on Korean fashion.How i wish I can go there to shop.Haha!But first,I have to lose weight!I want to lose 10kg in 30 days.Do you think I can do it?I will try..starting tomorrow!It doesn't matter whether I faint or vomit or whatever..I will try my best to lose weight.I am desperate to lose weight.Seriously

Thursday, August 13, 2009

sick again

Last Friday, I went back home.Mum made nasi lemak and rendang for me.haha.Special for me.Her beloved daughter XD

On Saturday, after seeing dentist, Dad wanted to eat rojak.So we had rojak for tea. At midnigth, I started having stomach ache.Later, I started vomiting.I kept vomiting and had to go to the toilet until 6am. In 12 hours, I vomited 7 times and had diarrhea*will just use term go-to-toilet XD* for 10 times.

At 5am, my sister suddenly woke up from her sleep,she told me she felt like vomiting.When she saw the pail beside our bed *i use the pail when i vomit,so i don't have to go to the toilet-no time!*, she ran to the toilet and started to vomit.She vomited 5 times all together and had no diarrhea.

After 7am, my father started to vomit and had diarrhea.
WHat's happening here?
Is it the rojak?No?My mum ate it, but she didn't get what we got.
Is it nasi lemak and rendang?No?My sister in law ate it too but she didn't get it.

At the same time, my friend at the hostel is having the same problem.Vomiting+diarrhea.I guess it's some kind of virus I brought from the Uni.

I can feel the vomit was full of oil.I can't imagine any food during that time as I feel like vomiting again.I was phobia that time.I wish I will feel phobia until I get skinny.haha

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I should be studying now.hoho

PART 1: State the rules. Bold the statements that are true to you. Italicize the statements that you WISH are true. Leave the Fibs alone. Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.

PART 2: The tag.

I miss somebody right now. I don't watch TV these days. I wear glasses or contact lens. I love to play video games. I've tried marijuana. I have been in a threesome. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. I believe honesty is usually the best policy. I curse. I have changed mentally over the last year. I'm totally smart. I've broken someone's bones. I'm paranoid sometimes. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. I need money right now. I love sushi. I talk really, really fast. I have long hair. I have lost money in Las Vegas. I have at least one sibling. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D. I like the way I look. I am usually pessimistic. I have a lot of mood swings. I have a hidden talent. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. I have a lot of friends. I am currently single. I have pecked someone of the same sex. I enjoy talking on the phone. I practically live in sweat pants or PJ pants. I love to shop. Enjoy window shopping. I would rather shop than eat. I don't hate anyone. I'm a pretty good dancer. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother. I have a cell phone. I believe in God. I watch MTV on a daily basis. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. I've rejected someone before. I want to have children in the future. I have changed a diaper before. I've called the cops on a friend before. I'm not allergic to anything. I have a lot to learn. I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger. I am shy around the opposite sex. I have tried alcohol before. I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past. I own the "South Park" movie. I would die for my best friends. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza. I have used my sexuality to advance my career. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it. I am happy at this moment! I'm obsessed with guys. I study for tests most of the time. I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met. I am comfortable with who I am right now. I have more than just my ears pierced. I walk barefoot wherever I can. I have jumped off a bridge. I love sea turtles. I spend ridiculous money on makeup. Plan on achieving a major goal/dream. I'm proficient in a musical instrument. I worked at McDonald's restaurant. I hate office jobs. I love sci-fi movies.I think water rules.I went to college out of state. I like sausages. I love kisses. I fall for the worst people. I adore bright colors. I can't live without black eyeliner. I don't know why the hell i just did this stupid thing. I usually like covers better than originals. I can pick up things with my toes. I can't whistle. I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither. I have ridden/owned a horse. I still have every journal I've written in. I can't stick to a diet. I talk in my sleep. I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time. I have jazz in my blood. I wear a toe ring. I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with. I am a caffeine junkie. I cosplay or know what cosplaying is. I have been to over 15 conventions. I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better. I'm an artist. I only clean my room when necessary. I like a person of the same sex. I love being happy. I am an adrenaline junkie.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

wake up!

My Korean class is getting more and more difficult.First,it's because I can only attend 3 hours per week instead of 4.So, I miss all the important points taught by the lecturer. Second, the grammar part is also getting hard.And the Topik test is only 1 month away.Plus the lecturer won't be here for 2 weeks from now because he's going to Korea.What do I do now? Keep studying until I memorize all the vocabulary and grammar and be able to make CORECCT sentences.
Majority of us don't know how to do correct sentences.We're still lack of the basic knowledge of how to make sentence that we learnt during the first level.I know he was mad just now looking at our sentences.Sorry,sir.I'll study back and redo the sentences! ^^

I admit this semester is really tough.Subjects I'm taking this semester:
1. Korean Third Level
2. Kinetics
3. Solid State Chemistry
4. Organic 2
5. Instrumentation 1
6. Polymer 2
7. Final year project
8. Management of Chemical Industries

Mid semester exam is like in 2 weeks?Am I ready?Of course not!To those out there, if you think you don't have a strong interest in chemistry, or science,better not take a course that is a science related.It's stressful and I seriously don't like it. But why did I take it?Well, it's an old story and I don't want to talk about it anymore.Lets just face the future and try my best at it.This is my 2nd last semester,I have to be serious this time. I don't want to extend another semester or another year because of my final year project or because I fail any paper*thankfully,i don't fail any paper until now*I have to keep praying and study hard!.I just knew that if I were to extend, there will be no HONORS on the scroll later.Means I will graduate without HONORS!Owh!I hope everything will go smoothly according to how I want it to be.
But even though I have to struggle to finish these 2 final semesters, I can't just ignore my college life.What I'm saying is, I have to study and at the same time,play hard!haha!Study when we have to,and play when it's time to play!yeeehaa! =p

I didn't know that my course is the ONLY professional course in our science and technology faculty.That's what my organic lecturer told us.Because we can register ourselves as chemist after we graduate and our signatures are valid for court case.Huh?Sounds serious isn't it?And of course before you can register as a chemist,you have to go through series of examinations and etc.But this is not I want.*Am I crazy or what?people would want this.Sounds like I am not interested in working.Psycho,that's me -_-.Because I think I'm still 14 and still schooling and still not ready to enter the working world.I'm still a kid!
*someone please come and slap me on the face*
Wake up!you're 21 now!Can even vote during election.o my,why do I have to grow so fast?haha.well,face it fatso -_-

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I realized that I can't just do nothing to lose weight.Starting tomorrow, I will do something to lose weight.
I have 20 more days until fasting month.I gonna start this challenge until raya arrives.So I have 7 weeks to lose weight.I want to lose 14kg if possible.Means 2kg/week.How am I gonna do that?
1.I have to go jogging EVERYDAY
2.I have to cut down on sugary,oily food.
3.I need to replace white bread with wholegrain.
4.Drink plenty of water.
5.Eat lotsa vege and fruits.

Can I do these?This is Malaysia.Most of the people eat rice twice a day.I need to search for healthier food.I need salad,fruits.*sigh*

I went to Midvalley with friends today.And I HATE using KTM.Why can't they improve the system?It's worse than sardine in a can.I can smell from people's armpits.Yuck!

Arrived to hostel safely.I bathed with shower gel I bought from Body Shop.The smell is not too strong.Later I put on body lotion I bought at The Face Shop.I love the smell.It has avocado extracts ^^ I slept till 7pm.
I have Korean class tomorrow.I have to study Korean Language tonight and also tomorrow I wanna go donate blood!