Wednesday, September 30, 2009

no more tears

I kept thinking why do I have to do all these?Why did I choose this path? Is God trying to test me?Yes I believe that He is trying to test me.I know I should be grateful for everything that He gave me.I should just accept my fate and try to do the best I can.I want to take every opportunity that comes and I want to be brave.I want to talk in front of people confidently.I want to be positive.I want to grow up.But that doesn't happen overnight.I am not a perfectionist but I always want to do things perfectly.Does that mean I'm a perfectionist?My friend said I'm ambitious.I believe I am.But even though I'm that kind of person,I don't do anything to achieve everything I want in life.And with that,I announced to the world that I AM USELESS.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

life is a s**t

I am back in hostel now. Of course something happened before I came back. Some misunderstanding with my parents.I admit I am an ungrateful daughter. I didn't mean to do anything like that. I just didn't want to be such a burden to my family especially to my parents. I don't want all of you to miss going to relatives' houses just to send me back to hostel. I hate this place even more now. I just kept quiet in the car. I am very sorry to my father for having to send me all the way from PJ to Bangi.It took us 1 hour and I hate this place!I know it's only 1 hour if I wanna compare with other people who live in other states. If I study in UM, I don't mind having my parents fetching and sending me everyday since UM is only 10 minutes away from home.

According to the plan, I was supposed to get back to hostel by yesterday, but since it's a raya season, people came to our house bout 3 pm,and at 5.30 we went to visit my uncle at his house and by the time we finished eating,etc, it's almost 7pm.I told my dad, just send me tomorrow,it's getting late now.

I wanted to get back early because I have tonnes of work need to be completed.I think I'm going crazy now. My essey is not done yet. I just completed my slides for presentation and haven't studied anything from it.The presentation will be held this week * i don't know when is my turn*.It's crazy.During this presentation all the lecturers will shoot you with all sorts of questions.I am sure my knees will be shaking like they're gonna break. I just hope I won't faint.

Then, I need to complete my 25-page ASSignment that has to be handed in by Oct 15th.
Another ASSignment that consists of 9 Qs that has to be handed in by this Thursday. Another midterm test this coming weekend and of course I haven't studied a thing.

I just don't know how to face all of these. If I can stop the time.
Conclusion: I hate being a final year student.
I just can't wait for this to be over.

Monday, September 14, 2009

work work work!

Today is Monday.I will be going home this coming Wednesday, going back to hometown on Thursday with the whole family.I have 2 assignments ( Solid State Chemistry that requires me to write on single crystal structures for at least 25 pages -_- and a Korean Language essey on Korean's culture @ people @ movie).Plus I have to prepare slides for proposal presentation which will be held right after raya holiday.I ALSO HAVE TO STUDY AND FIND ANSWERS TO WHATEVER THING I WROTE IN MY PROPOSAL BECAUSE THE LECTURERS WILL TEMBAK ME WITH ALL SORTS OF QUESTIONS I KNOW I CAN'T ASNWER COS I AM NOT A REAL CHEMISTRY STUDENT.I know, I don't deserve to be called a chemistry student once I graduated or even now,I do not deserve to be called as one.Especially my organic knowledge.I really really lack of it.Not just organic,but other areas too.But organic is the worst.I keep on telling myself to study and always concentrate and relate things I learn to daily life so that I enjoy and understand more bout it.But but..I just don't know how.I am so dead.
So now, I gonna settle anything that can be settled here before going home.I guess I gotta start writing on the Korean class essey.I have to hand it in on the first week when the class reopens.Start searching for information on single crystal x-ray diffraction method and start writing!until I reach the 25th page -_-

Monday, September 7, 2009

A day with SS501

Hi there!
Sorry for the late report on SS501.huhu.
It's 541am and thinking of 'Denise is waiting for me' LOL XD

So, last Tuesday (Sept 1st 2009),while I was studying for midterm test which will be held at 3pm that day, I received an sms from my Korean class classmate@unnie,saying that SS501 is in Malaysia.I wasn't excited coz I am not a BIG fan of them.SO I thought,'Oh yeah??ok'.Then she said,they're gonna come to KL from KK for sign meeting.I was kinda excited but didn't expect to go see them. Then she said go to this blog and read the updates and vote for the tag blablablabla..So I go and checked it out.
I asked unnie whether she's asking me to go with her?and she said yes,she didn't have any friends to go with,so thought maybe I wanna go with her.I was getting more excited since she has a car and she wanted me to go with her.So I sais yes =)

Since then, I couldn't study for the test anymore.My hands and feet are getting chill cos of being to excited.

Then,Thursday arrived. My class ended at 12pm (thank god!) When back to college,bathed,changed clothes and we started our journey at 2pm (well the signmeeting is at 6pm).
We went somewhere first to pick up 2 girls because they didn't have transport,unnie get to know them from the blog.Arrived at the First World Hotel at about 4pm.
AT the lobby we saw two men standing guarding at a door,wearing tags with the boys's faces on them =) we thought maybe they're in there for the press conference. But the 1 of the men told us to go down.So we went down.and you know what,we have to line up at the car parking and it line was realllllllyyyyy long!Heard that the first to arrive was at 10am!
So,you can imagine,we arrived at 4pm and line?haha *just imagine.and the line keeps on getting longer.

While waiting,they announced that if we wanna go see them, we have to buy their album.It's not the new album.It's the old one.I will upload the pictures later k Denise ^^.The staff said 'don't worry the albums will be enough for everyone'.But we couldn't stay quietly.At last, someone we knew said she would go to the front and buy for us.Yeay!We waited and she came with 11 albums in her hands and her bags.
We opened up the wrapping to see the boy's pretty faces.

While waiting,I wrote my name on my left palm (in Korean) so when the boy is giving the auto, I can just tell and show my hand.haha

We wait wait and wait until 6pm,people are running towards the front line.And we were like?RUn!!!I thought they have opened the door,well actually I heard they said the albums are finishing,that's why people were running like crazy.But still we joined the crowd.haha

From 6pm,we were 'STUCK' in the crowd.We were struggling,pushing other people.There were no space left between me.Like my body no matter in front or the back touched with other people's body!haha.Sweating like a pig.It continued until 7pm.And finnaly we get to see the 'DOOR' to the room where the boys are.

At 720pm,we eventually get to get through the door.YAay!!with cameras in our hands,we were VERY excited walking to the room and suddenly the guards said,'NO CAMERA!' and I was like,NO!!!!I obediently put the camera in my pocket. Went into the room and were scolded by the host for not lining up.
We couldn't even see the line,so were like going to all sorts of direction.Sorry Mr'emcee.
Then he said,you can only take 1 autograph,and I was like 'huh'?!!
I wanted to take Kyu Jong's but his line as well as Hyun Joong's were kinda long.
To me, Young Saeng was not handsome,haha.But while I was randomly lining up (I didn't know I was in Young Saeng's line), when I saw his face,I was like "damn this guy is so handsome/cute!!" So I changed my perception towards him XD

But still,I changed my line.The right said was Hyung Jun's line ( baby) the right side was Hyun Joong's.Hyun Joong's line was obviously LONG!so I decided to take baby's line =)

My heart was thumping like mad. And my time has arrived.
Baby said hi!and said hi back!Planned to say anneyonghaseiyo,but was too nervous until I forget all the things I wanted to say.LOL
Then I gave him the album and quickly showed my palm saying that I am Shalyn in Korean!He looked at it,signed the auto and before that he wrote To:Shalyn (in Korean ) =) kyaaaa!!!
Later,he handed out his hand,shook my hand and said 'nice to meet you' =) and gave back my cd.I was like 'is this a dream??' XD

Unnie and I went out of the room,couldn't stop smiling and someone said that JeongMin's line got no people.And we were like 'ahhh!!so rugi laaa didn't go to him after met baby' we felt pity for JeongMin.My friend said, there was no one until he just played with the marker pen.-_- Sorry sorry really sorry.We should have gone to his line. -_-

Went out to the main lobby where the cars are.Everyone we like surrounding the cars (maybe they thought that's the boys' car). At 8pm, people were running to the main door and I guess the boys are leaving.And people were running towards moving cars assuming the boys have left in those cars. But I guess they exited through another secret door cos we didn't get to see them off.Finally they opened the room where the boys were.We went in and take pictures with BIG pictures of the faces.haha *so kesian*

Then at 8 something we started our journey home.Stopped for dinner at McD and went back to Uni.It was a wonderful experience despite the pushing and hard-to-breathe situation.I guess there were like 1000 fans attended?That's considered ok.I guess if it's tvxq or something,maybe I would die in the crowd...

I couldn't wait to tell bout it to our Korean class lecturer.haha
That's all Denise =) will update later once I have done with my proposal and my assignments ^^)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

SS501 <3 <3

O.M.G!!!!I went to meet SS501 just now!!!!!!and I got hyung jun's autograph and shook his hand and and!!!Thank god I didn't faint!!!will write more bout it this saturday,so stay tuned!!!^^