Monday, September 14, 2009

work work work!

Today is Monday.I will be going home this coming Wednesday, going back to hometown on Thursday with the whole family.I have 2 assignments ( Solid State Chemistry that requires me to write on single crystal structures for at least 25 pages -_- and a Korean Language essey on Korean's culture @ people @ movie).Plus I have to prepare slides for proposal presentation which will be held right after raya holiday.I ALSO HAVE TO STUDY AND FIND ANSWERS TO WHATEVER THING I WROTE IN MY PROPOSAL BECAUSE THE LECTURERS WILL TEMBAK ME WITH ALL SORTS OF QUESTIONS I KNOW I CAN'T ASNWER COS I AM NOT A REAL CHEMISTRY STUDENT.I know, I don't deserve to be called a chemistry student once I graduated or even now,I do not deserve to be called as one.Especially my organic knowledge.I really really lack of it.Not just organic,but other areas too.But organic is the worst.I keep on telling myself to study and always concentrate and relate things I learn to daily life so that I enjoy and understand more bout it.But but..I just don't know how.I am so dead.
So now, I gonna settle anything that can be settled here before going home.I guess I gotta start writing on the Korean class essey.I have to hand it in on the first week when the class reopens.Start searching for information on single crystal x-ray diffraction method and start writing!until I reach the 25th page -_-

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