Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life is like a dream now

So many good things happened lately.
I am lucky.
On saturday, when I almost turned crazy preparing for my presentation, an old friend called and invited me to her party.I had the chance to meet my old friends, we laughed, great food and we had a great time together.

On Monday, presentation was scary, but I managed to pull it off well I guess. There were questions where I can answer and there were questions where I couldn't give an answer and I just said 'Professor, I don't know'.haha.His answer was:'Ok,at least u say u don't know. I like honest people.'Then he started explaining.Ok. I was really happy at that moment.Overall, the presentation was not bad.

Monday, that night..we 6 of us including my Professor@supervisor had dinner at the San Francisco's. We had a wonderful time!We gossiped,we laughed,we stalked!
We were talking about traveling and my supervisor asked me:
SV:have u been to Japan?
S:no, but i have been to Korea.haha
SV:which part?
SV:oh!Gwangju?!u went to GIST?
S:no no.I went to HU.Had a camp.Language camp..oh yeah gwangju.GIST,prof Kim right?
SV:yes!and...S, do want to do masters in Korea?at GIST..Prof Kim asked me to send a student.. there?wow!ohhh!wow!
Student 1:oh!!korea!
Student 2:omg!go!go!go there!grab the doesn't come everyday.
Student 3:wowww..bestnya..
Student 4:.... want it?I can write him an email.I can write to him a recommendation letter for u.I am sure u can get it if I do that.
S:er..well..I have to think about it first..
SV:ala...just go for it..they have a realllly nice lab!i wish I can go work over there. They will pay for everything except for your plane ticket.I am sure your parents can afford that.
S:aha..since I already have the basic knowledge in Korean language..maybe..
SV:oh don't worry!everything is being conducted in English!You can find many foreigners
S:ah..i don't think i want to do masters..i..i..i need to discuss with my parents first..
SV:okay..tell your parents about it..
S:yes yes..I will..

On Tuesday, we had a meeting again in my sv's room.She told us to correct our thesis,and suddenly praising me for my thesis..asking everyone to do their thesis like mine..telling me I did a good job.*kinda scared of other students actually* I told myself.."am i dreaming?'O____o and at the end of the conversation she asked me..
SV:have you told your parents?
S:ah..yes..I have told my mum..
SV:so, what did she say?
S:she asked me when I have done with my studies,when I return back to Malaysia,what shall I work as?where shall I work at?haha
SV:work at the embassy.:)

I don't know whether she's joking or not. I couldn't tell.
Well in fact, working in Malaysian Embassy in Korea is one of my targets.haha XD

Now, I am home!!:)But I will go back to ukm to meet again with my sv to show her my corrected version thesis.I hope she won't ask me again about 'it'.

At home later..
Dad:try and search casio on ebay..
S:i want this one*showing him Kurzweil*But I can't find any in Malaysia.*Searched for casio model cdp 200 and showed dad*Or this one is okay.I have read the reviews on it.I saw this keyboard in midvalley.But we go try and search in tropicana first..It's around 2800..
Dad:ok..when your thesis is done, we go and buy it.
S: :)

OK.I feel kinda weird when everything good happened everyday.XD I am happy!
I feel like I am dreaming.


  1. waaahhh...syalin~~!! This is awesome news!! it's not easy getting a recommendation letter from a profesor to another! if your prof says he wants to write you one, it'll definitely be easier to get in! go for it! but, of course your parents has a point. what will your future be after graduation? what do you actually want to do for a living? those are some of the life-changing things u gotta think about. ^^ good luck! buzz me if u hv any questions!

  2. wow cool~ i'll never be as successful as you... as in in your studies for the prof to praise me like that and recommend you to another prof... wow...
