Friday, April 30, 2010

exam's over!yeeeha!

Yay!Exam's over!
But I still have to prepare for the presentation and pack all my stuff.
and need to face some problems regarding the hostel.
Oh yeah!I'll be buying my dream keyboard like in 2 weeks time!yay!!cheers!yeay!
yeay! yeay!yeay!yeay!

I only think of my keyboard. When I'm stressed or feeling down, when I think of my keyboard @ music, I automatically turn happy!xD

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

crazy crazyyyy~

There's just SO many things I NEED to think of right now!
I THINK I am going CRAZY!
crazy crazy crazy

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy birthday to me

So it's 0003 midnight here in Malaysia, it's April 26th today. And my birthday just passed 3 minutes ago. I didn't get the chance to blow a candle for the 3rd time in a row. I hate life at the moment. Tomorrow I'll be having another exam.
I should have gone somewhere to celebrate my birthday. I don't mind celebrating alone as long as I don't have to study for this **** paper!

I am not happy at the moment. Why?
Because I am not able to do things I want at the moment. Like when people ask,'oh, how was your birthday celebration yest?' My answer would be: 'It was fantastic!'
'yeah?what did you do?'
'ah,I just stayed in my room and did some revision for today's exam ^^'

시간 빨리 가!싫어 싫어!

I know it is not a big deal, there are millions of people out there who don't even celebrate their birthdays, but I just hate this. I hate the fact that I NEED TO STUDY FOR EXAM ON MY BIRTHDAY.

Ok I should stop whining.
Just go and buy a slice of cake tomorrow.haha
To my sister,happy belated birthday to you:)사랑해 언니!건강하고 행복하세요!

I still can't believe that we have the same birth date. I think I'm the twin sister who stuck in mama's womb for 5 years.XD

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2010년 5월 3일

I felt really miserable this morning. My senior informed me that I will be presenting my project on the 3rd of May at 1040am. From the moment I read the message, I was kinda like turn to crazy.Almost. Seriously. I hate this.
I should be studying for my korean exam but the thought of presentation keeps playing in my head.

So far, my korean exam(UKM's paper) today was the hardest. Well, it's level 4 of Korean. What can I say. I did the essay terribly.
Haha.I know. But I submitted the paper 15 minutes before the time's up.
Outside of the exam hall, 선생님 was talking to someone. I was going to bow to him but he didn't look at me. So while I was walking towards my bag, he called my name.
He asked me about the email,about the club,part time job etc. He spoke Malay! Haha.For the whole conversation. *Sounded cute*XD

I was happy talking to him that I totally forgot about the damn presentation.
I walked back to hostel happily and even did Paula Abdul's exercise because my mood was too good.XD

So, now I need to study for this Friday's exam. I have tonnes of notes to be read -_-
And I have so many things to do after I have finished all of these.
I want to learn piano, learn to play new songs, read novels, start knitting, improve on my English and Korean, and lose weight!*List goes on*

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

한국에게서 선물 ^^

When my father told me a parcel for me from Korea arrived yesterday, I rushed back home.
I was eager to open it.I was so depressed and lonely and sad and emotionally unstable in my room,so I thought I should go home and open the present.. It's a birthday present for me from my 언니 ^^
I thought it was going to arrive end of this week which is nearer to my birthday. But it turned out to be yesterday!6days before my birthday. When I sent the presents to Korea, it took exactly 1 week to reach 언니의 house. So here we can see the difference between Malaysia and Korea. 7 vs 3 days XD

어째든 나는 너무 기뻤어요! 해순 언니 진짜 고마워요!
선물이 정말 예쁘고 귀여워요!^^ I will wear them well!:)
생일 카드도 있어!마음이 정말 기뻐!:)

해순 언니,정말 고맙고 언니와 가족이 건강하세요!
We will meet one day :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

바보 같아

Oh I feel stupid.
I am the moment.
I woke up late in the first place.
Getting ready for an outing to buy some groceries.
I waited at 10am at the bus stop. I told myself 'I know the bus is gonna be here at 1030am'.
Yeap, it showed up at 1030,but..I missed the bus.
There were 3 damn buses at 1 time and I couldn't see that stupid rapid coming and at that time I was messaging someone.
Right after what happened I went back to my room, cancel everything!
I am mad..still am..
바보 같아


Sunday, April 18, 2010


I think I sat for French exam instead of Korean XD
99% of words I saw were totally new plus with the super duper complicated grammar. I managed to answer 60 questions in 20 minutes?hah!You guess how I did it?ngeee~

The essay part, thank god I understand what they want.
And I just scribbled down whatever that came to my mind.

On the way back, I helped some 동생. They asked me where they can find taxi. And we talked along the journey XD. I spoke Korean and he spoke English.hahaXD

Breakfast:Hot choc and tonnes of crackersXD
Lunch: Choco pie (got from the exam place)
Dinner: Oats and raisins

I didn't exercise today -_-

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I have TOPIK tomorrow!
I'll be taking the intermediate level and like what my lecturer said, no Malaysians have passed this,unless you keep studying and keep trying..For me, I think I'll pass when I sit for my 8th trial XD
And with that, I will just try my best tomorrow and if I fail, I don't mind anyway.hoho

Oh, for branch I ate a bowl of oats with raisins and an apple.
Lunch: just 1 cracker.I feel like dying.
Tea: Apple, some crackers
Dinner: 1 slice of whole grained bread and apple again.
And I did Paula Abdul's workout for 50 minutes. I thought I was gonna die. I haven't done this since September?

I wish tomorrow will be a better day for me..

and I can't wait for the exam to end!!-_-
시간..빨리 가! 견딜 수가 없어!ㅠㅠ

Friday, April 16, 2010

Diet starts tomorrow!

I swear I am going to start all these diet thingy tomorrow.
I aim to lose 2kg per week. I will start doing that Paula Abdul workout if I don't want to go for that 8km walk at the stadium everyday.
I will have a glass of milk and a bowl of oats with an apple or raisins for every breakfast. I know milk is fattening. But I need to look after my bones too okay ^^

Lunch, more fruits and some crackers.

Dinner, fruits and some crackers or just hot milo.

How does it feel to faint?I have never experienced one.
I would like to someday.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

TQ Professor I

When a Professor sends a message to his students, he wants us to know that he cares for his students...

I need to study harder!!
I am touched with his words..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am telling the world that,
I want to vomit.
I need to do revision until I am satisfied and then sleep.
I am waiting for an e-mail.
I am missing someone.
I am upset.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I can't wait to stay at home and just play the keyboard.
Exam please move faster!

making friends

Everything that happened yesterday kept replaying in my head.
Well I am happy to have met those two people.
Hope we can be friends!
*too nice to have asked me all sorts of Qs!*
*too nice to go search for me and give the name card!*
Thank you. I really appreciate your kindness ^^

Friday, April 9, 2010

diet diet

I am desperately need to lose weight!
For my sister's wedding.
And I shall not eat and start exercising starting..Tomorrow!
Eat only...oats!and fruits!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thesis done!

33% of my problem ends today.
The rest continues after exam!
I have submitted my thesis to the office!Yay and the scary part has yet to come -_-

Monday, April 5, 2010


Dear World,
I may not sleep til tomorrow morning as long as I manage to submit this damn thesis to the office!
I need to get it done by tomorrow!!
I will make sure I submit it by tomorrow!!!!!

Be strong!!!

It's 1221am and we just finished discussing for presentation tomorrow.
I better off to complete my thesis.
Happy working~

*thinking of only happy things*

Sunday, April 4, 2010

o god..

I am panicked!
Only God knows my feelings now.
I swear I'm gonna go for a vacation after finish all these &^%$#!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Once upon a dream..

Slept at late evening, I had a really wonderful dream!
I met someone I don't know and it felt good. Seriously, I've never felt this good after having a deep sleep in the evening.
I will remember the 'dream'.
Oh! I am happy..
*now off to write my thesis*

Friday, April 2, 2010

I want to go to Korea again..

I miss this view.

I miss going to Korea.
I want to go to Korea, again.
I want to go to Korea in October.Why October?
I just randomly picked the month XD
Looking back at the pictures, I miss Korea!
Even when I'm there people will be looking at me like I'm an alien.
It is uncomfortable. But this time I want to go as a ********.
Seriously I have had all these pictures..
Well, I want to go to Korea, again!
I know I will go there in this coming October!^^)