Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 revolution

New semester has started.Today is my second week of lecture.I have two more weeks before going to Korea.I feel like a zombie except for I eat everyday.*my english sucks*sorry -_-

But I want to change.I WILL CHANGE!
Starting tomorrow.I need to force myself.
These are the things I need to instill in this semester @ final semester:

1.Rise early(6am)
2.Sleep around 12-1am
3.Start reading and search more for journals.
4.Start doing research and start thinking of what to write.
5.Go to library or lab after class.Going back to hostel is prohibited.I know I will only eat,sleep and play play play!
6.Exercise!Go for morning walk at 7am
7.Stop eating 라면.I eat this 'thing' for like 4 packets per week?I know I'm killing myself.My friend said I'm eating poison.
8.Do revision everyday.
9.Start speaking Korean.Being in a Level 4 class,I need to speak more and read more!Started Level 4 today.It was awesome.The lecturer was really funny.We laughed so much.He asked me something and I answered something which makes the whole class burst into laughter.I was happy for being able to make them laugh.haha!Again,this class will be my favourite subject for this semester.
10.Make sure to follow all 9 rules XD

you know what,I have only 5 months left.Time flies.Yesterday I was that fool 1st year student who's afraid of dealing with the office staff from my department.Now,I don't care!e!e!e!e!XD

Envy is a waste of time.I have everything I need..

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