Monday, November 30, 2009 good news XD

Dream what you want to dream;/ Go where you want to go;/ Be what you want to be,/ Because you have only one life/ And one chance to do all the things/ You want to do./ May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,/ Enough trials to make you strong,/ Enough sorrow to keep you human and/ Enough hope to make you happy./ The happiest of people don't necessarily/ Have the best of everything;/ They just make the most of/ Everything that comes along their way./ The brightest future will always/ Be based on a forgotten past;/ You can't go forward in life until/ You let go of your past failures and heartaches./ When you were born, you were crying/ And everyone around you was smiling/ Live your life so at the end/ You're the one who is smiling and everyone/ Around you is crying. - Anonymous

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