Sunday, April 18, 2010


I think I sat for French exam instead of Korean XD
99% of words I saw were totally new plus with the super duper complicated grammar. I managed to answer 60 questions in 20 minutes?hah!You guess how I did it?ngeee~

The essay part, thank god I understand what they want.
And I just scribbled down whatever that came to my mind.

On the way back, I helped some 동생. They asked me where they can find taxi. And we talked along the journey XD. I spoke Korean and he spoke English.hahaXD

Breakfast:Hot choc and tonnes of crackersXD
Lunch: Choco pie (got from the exam place)
Dinner: Oats and raisins

I didn't exercise today -_-


  1. ooh~ hot choc and choco pie... yummy... =D

  2. Those! are!Fattening!LOL!Choco pie is my favourite!When I was in Korea I ate this everyday ;p

  3. =) my first time eating it was in NS. my friend belanja me... now i cant seem to find it in the supermarkets... or i had not been looking hard enough? lol. its addictive..

  4. ada!but it coco-pie(malaysian).haha.u know mila AF is the ambassador for it u know ^^I always buy them at Giant,2 flavors are available:)

  5. yea.. malaysian version. that's the closest we can get here for that treat. didnt know abt mila af's the ambassador fro chocopie. *gasp* doesnt that mean she gets to have loads of them? *envy* in kuching theres no Giant... oh wait, there's one. but vry small and far from my place.. rarely go there... =(

  6. oh really?pity there any korean mart there?i'm sure you can find chocopie over there too^^

  7. no korean mart.. ah! there's one little shop selling korean food stuffs... but i rarely go by that area... maybe when i can drive i can go all the way there just to get thet. lol. marts in my area doesnt really have much huh... just realize that.. =.=
