Friday, April 2, 2010

I want to go to Korea again..

I miss this view.

I miss going to Korea.
I want to go to Korea, again.
I want to go to Korea in October.Why October?
I just randomly picked the month XD
Looking back at the pictures, I miss Korea!
Even when I'm there people will be looking at me like I'm an alien.
It is uncomfortable. But this time I want to go as a ********.
Seriously I have had all these pictures..
Well, I want to go to Korea, again!
I know I will go there in this coming October!^^)


  1. unnie, i wanna go too... T.T
    but why october?

    im going into form 6.
    so i'll only have my holidays in the month of november and december.
    and those are the only two months where my schedule and my sis' meet. but during that time it'd be winter... cold...

    ah! i forgot to tell you. i'm trying hard to persuade my dad to bring my sis and i to korea or japan (which is closer to them). lol. but japan is totally outta the list. too expensive...

  2. oh! I just assumed that I'll be free that time XD
    I will graduate in August, maybe work for a few months and go to Korea for a holiday.LOL!Too fast meh?=p

  3. persuade your dad?haha.good luck with it ^^
    Make sure u plan carefully where to go and all.All the best!^^

  4. oh wow! Congratz! Graduating in August. Cool~

    I'm not sure which part of Korea I wanna go. @.@
    I just saw that THSK is gonna "pause" their activities. Kinda emo-ish... No DBSK, now no THSK. Haihh...
