Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A date to remember

I had a healthy diet starting last Sunday till yesterday.LOL
I exercised,I ate oats,fruits and drink plenty of water.This is my dinner.I never knew it tastes so good with banana!^^

My lunch:Never knew crackers taste so goooooooood with tuna!LOL!

On days when I managed to wake up early, I go for the 8km walk.But if I didn't wake up,I just make some lil exercise in my tiny room.So that I get to actually burn some calories =)

Today,I had chicken chop for lunch.It was fattening and yeah but that's ok.You gotta indulge yourself once in a while.Plus it was my lecturer's treat =) We gave her a birthday surprise this afternoon.The cake was great and yeah we had some fantastic conversation during lunch!It's a day to remember I say!

Exam's over!I need to get my fingers back on my lil keys ^^

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