Tuesday, July 14, 2009


After class,I told my lecturer that every Wednesday, I WILL be late because I have class before that.She said where's the class?and I said PB.And she was like?whattt??!!so far!and yes she asked my name..I told her mine and she said,she's gonna wait for me for tommorow's class.I freaked out and just laughed.She smiled.and I went out after I thank her.
Ok,now I am in dilemma.Should I take the language class?or drop it?
I think I'll run to the next class once I have gotten out from the Korean class.I will run.Yes.I can't wait for the bus.I just can't.I can't stand to wait for it.I will get out of the class bout 12.50 and make sure I arrive to the next class latest by 1.05..
If I can't bear with this for the next 3 months,I will drop Korean Level 3 class next week -_-
Well,I did the same thing when I was taking Korean 1st level.But the korean class is after my major class.This time,the major class is right after the Korean class.I am dead.
The project titles are all out.Now I need to do some research on the topics..see the lecturers by tomorrow and I have to decide it by Thursday.
Yes.I admit.Life is HARD.
Extremely HARD

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