Thursday, July 30, 2009


I know I shouldn't be like this.I admit that I feel lonely.
I don't have any social life here.It's Uni life now and I should mix around with people.Today,after class,I went to buy lunch,watched youtube,slept for like 2hours,then when I woke up.I feel as if I am alone.
What my mum always said,'You're a lonely cow'.She's right.
I go to class by myself.I eat alone.Do assignments alone.Have fun alone.Haha.What a pathetic life I have.
Can somebody tell me,what are the things I can do to spice up my life?
I need to get away from here -_-

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I took this from Lina's page =p

Tag Done: July 21, 2009


Five things I found in my bag
1) Purse
2) Phone
3) Pen
4) Tissue
5) Sweets

Five things I found in my wallet
1) IC
2) Driver's licence
3) ATM card
4) Picture
5) Cash

Five favorite things in my room
1) Music keyboard
2) Bed
3) Food XD
4) Laptop
5) CDs

Five things I've always wanted to do
1) Study abroad
2) Speak chinese
3) Play piano like Lina,Jenny and Melissa ^^
4) Be cool.LOL
5) Do voluntary work

Five things I'm currently into
1) 2PM XD
2) Preparing for TOPIK
3) Thinking of how to make lotsa money
4) Learn and play piano
5) Save money for a new keyboard

Five people I'm gonna tag
1) Just copy and paste it in your own blog if you have nothing to do XD
2) anyone
3) strangers
4) err,you over there?
5) lee hyo ri.duh!

Friday, July 24, 2009

sick again

I fell sick.AGAIN.I had it last week,on thursday.Yesterday all these headache+cold+sore throat and cough came back.I went to see the doctor and he prescribed me all sorts of chemicals.haha.He told me to come back and do blood test if I still sick next week.I saw many people sick now.Even my friends,they got headache,cough,cold and high fever.All I can do now is take the pills,cough syrup as prescribed,finish up my antibiotics and rest.After went to the doctor,I had lunch and took all my 'chemical' he gave me,and went to sleep.I slept from 11am till 6pm.I feel better now.The heachache is kinda better now.But it's starting again.Well,I have taken the meds for the 2nd time now.Tonight I'm just gonna rest while watching 'My Girl' until I fall asleep =)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I hate my life

and..again..I made ANOTHER mistake.I know I should have just completed it months ago..and just now, someone just told me to hurry do the report and he told me the problems we are facing. again.I know it's my fault.Do I have to blame myself for it?Ok, as a secretary of the club, I know I should do all reports,proposal etc.But Hello?Look what the previous seniors had done to us? I even asked them the reports etc, but some were just don't care about it. And what Zul told me about the consequence is enough to make my blood pressure hits the highest point it possibly can go. And so, I disconnect the line just to concentrate on doing the report.And now,they are all gone. I want them to see the report I have completed.Well I don't have any experience,and I want them to check it.Showed to a friend and she said my report's kinda simple and short but that's ok.She added usually people insert budget,some photos etc..and now, I just don't know what to do.Why do I have to be the secretary?Why do I even have to have a post in the club?!
I hate my life.I'll just bear with it and wait for the best thing to happen in my life.
Like..what?what?you tell me?FYI,I HATE MY LIFE, HERE!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

bleeds again

Today class ended at 5.So, I had no time to practice and watch Andrew's video*excuses*
huhu.I should be studying now,but I just can't take my eyes off of 2PM hot members.I know I was kinda late.I am starting to like Again & again and Hate you...ohhhh!!!*nose bleeds* ^^)

Monday, July 20, 2009

good news+bad news

I played too much today. Back from Korean class, I watched My Girl and I.After that, He Who Can't Marry Ep2.And just now I watched family outing,latest episode.God, I am extremely addicted to Korean shows. But at least before I watch FO,I completed my Korean class homework.Yaay!The exercises are getting tougher now.I wonder whether I manage to get through it this time. Well, I need to study harder.And the TOPIK test is only 2 months away.
Good news: I managed to wake up at 6.30am eventhough there was no class in the morning.And,the good thing is, I didn't sleep until now.WOW.Getting back to the old me when I was doing practical.I hope this will continue.Woke up early.Had breakfast while watching piano Lesson #1 and #2 from Andrew's videos.What did I learn from the videos? Well, I get to know scale is ^^ Scale is a group of keys that sound good together.Am I right Lina? ^^ What else?I learnt whole tone, semi tone.To determine the scale I have to know these whole tone and semi tone. He showed C major scale and G major scale * not sure whether I use term right.sorry*
formula : 2whole tone/1 semi tone/3whole tone/1 semi tone
*still not sure.have to check it back*-_-

Finished watching, I practiced for 1 hour.Trained my fingers on the scales.I need to keep on doing this until I get it all right.Tomorrow is a new day,and must practice!

Bad news: I ate rice for lunch and didn't for exercise this evening.But I did some Nobody dance steps.LOL.I only get the 1st part at the moment.

Now I have to go study polymer for tomorrow's class -_- btw it's 11.38pm and that's when I'm starting to study.I am so dead -_- and I have class at 8am tomorrow.
WARNING : Kids, please don't try this at home

new resolutions

I wanna play piano.I wanna be good at it.I really do.I know I keep giving myself lame excuses.Busy with assignments.Final year project,this and that.

Told myself, if want something,nothing can stop me.And with that, I promised myself:
> I will at least practice for 1 hour a day.
> Watch all of Lypur's tutorial videos and make sure to learn all the theory and
whatsoever from there.
> Save money so that I can buy a full length and sensitive keyboard at the end of
the semester ^^
> Listen to more music,like what has been suggested by Lina.Thanks Lina =)
> BE HEALTHY,So that I will be able to achieve my dream XD

I feel a bit dissapointed for not starting piano when I was younger.Now, everything is kinda difficult and..
NO MORE EXCUSES!!!Well, everything happens for a reason.-_-
and I don't wanna think bout anything now.
I just wanna do what I'm suppose to do *getting my degree etc* and live life to the fullest.
And please *telling myself*, I have to be smart at handling stress. FYI, a super tiny problem is enough to make me stress.
And I am worried I will die early because of that.I have to think of happy moments, happy faces,good things!
I am not feeling well since last Thursday,and that's stressful!I gotta see doctor tomorrow.I hate my over-sensitive nose.It started making problems since the very first semester I entered Uni.
We'll see what the doctor has to say tomorrow.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence that life is worth while.
So when you are lonely, remember it's true
Somebody somewhere is thinking of you.

- K. Blackburn -

Tonight I just got so emotional.Listening to TAXI and it makes me more and more emo -_-
LOL..Found that poem and really liked it. ^^
I am now thinking where I should go tomorrow.Again, going somewhere alone.
Well,it's ok.That's me.And I like to be alone.But I hate to feel lonely.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


After class,I told my lecturer that every Wednesday, I WILL be late because I have class before that.She said where's the class?and I said PB.And she was like?whattt??!!so far!and yes she asked my name..I told her mine and she said,she's gonna wait for me for tommorow's class.I freaked out and just laughed.She smiled.and I went out after I thank her.
Ok,now I am in dilemma.Should I take the language class?or drop it?
I think I'll run to the next class once I have gotten out from the Korean class.I will run.Yes.I can't wait for the bus.I just can't.I can't stand to wait for it.I will get out of the class bout 12.50 and make sure I arrive to the next class latest by 1.05..
If I can't bear with this for the next 3 months,I will drop Korean Level 3 class next week -_-
Well,I did the same thing when I was taking Korean 1st level.But the korean class is after my major class.This time,the major class is right after the Korean class.I am dead.
The project titles are all out.Now I need to do some research on the topics..see the lecturers by tomorrow and I have to decide it by Thursday.
Yes.I admit.Life is HARD.
Extremely HARD

Monday, July 13, 2009

Another first day

I have decided.I will continue my 3rd level Korean Language class.I am willing to skip 1 hour class in order to able to learn Korean again!And tomorrow I have to tell my polymer lecturer that I will be a lil bit late for her class on Wednesday.During our 3rd level first meeting this afternoon,I was struggling to change the timetable.LOL.But it seems that majority do not have any problem with the original timetable.I told the lecturer that if it doesn't change,then I will DROP the course.And thank God he told us what one of his students did during previous semester.And with the support of other friends,I will take the RISK.he told me that if I do that(skip1 hour every week),my grade won't be A or A-.I don't mind,cause this subject is not going affect my pointer later.yaay!So,I am happy now!^^and I can take TOPIK test as well!!another yaay!!!^_^

I started my first day of exercise regime today.I went with my good friend to the stadium at 5.30pm and my face is burnt.I have to go at 6 starting tommorow.It's too hot.And I am getting sunburned.I didn't jog,just did 10-round of brisk walking.This whole week I'm gonna just brisk week I'll start jogging.

But shoooooot!I ate so much for dinner.What's the purpose of exercising just now?-_-

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I want this baby

I want this baby.But when I saw the price,I felt like fainting.haha
Start saving!!Once I finish this semester,I'm gonna go for keyboard-hunting!So,I give myself bout 4months to save money.Good luck to me.
Well,it doesn't necessarily have to be exactly this keyboard.I just want a full-length,sensitive keyboard.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Piano in my life

I don't know what to do now!Too lazy to do assignment.Too lazy to do revision.Duh!The new semester just started like in a I need to start studying now?argh!!
I wanna go home!I miss my keyboard -_-
I want a full length keyboard,so that I can learn to play neorago from Jenny's and Gee from Melissa's tutorials.
Mama!!I want a new keyboard.I need to start saving!So that at the end of this semester I am able to buy a new full length,sensitive keyboard.
The way I said it as if I'm a pro..or have been playing piano for like 10 11 years?LOL.
O I have to wait till I am 40 years old to be able to play like Lina,Jenny and Melissa?
Why didn't I just learnt it when I was young?I still remember when I was 9 I went to the trial piano class,and my sister said she's gonna leave me alone if I wanna enter that class.I was afraid.So after that trial,I didn't go there anymore.-_-
Only God knows how I felt that time.But I'm feeling very grateful for being able to play and learn piano now.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

study time!

I'm taking 14 units this semester.The subjects are a lot tougher than last semester.Of course,they are final year subjects.Started polymer and kinetics class today.And the polymer lecturer freaked me out.She knows all of her students' name in the class except for us and yes she's gonna memorize all of our names slowly.I need to make sure I study every subject before I enter the class especially polymer!.I am scared.Seriously.I hope by having this kind of feeling, I won't be lazy and always do revision and can get good results for all subjects.LOL!

Monday, July 6, 2009

new day

Ok,yesterday you asked me to return the key.After that, you told me to come and collect the kay at 2.I came at 1.45 and I know I'm too early. I waited.Went to the counter at 2,and she said, it's not ready yet.So I patiently waited for my key to be ready.Guess what?I waited till 4 o'clock for the key.Hello?This is Malaysia.I should not be surprised.Well. I am not.I am just upset. Why can't people change their attitude.Or I mean the organization.They have to provide good service.I pay for the hostel.Not that I stay here for free.Why didn't you check whether the keys are enough or not?You should know.It's a new semester.All of you have to be prepared.Okay,enough.I don't want to ruin my mood.

I am sure lecture will start tomorrow.And god, most of my classes start at 8am.Don't know how I'm gonna wake my sleepy head up.It's ok.It's a new semester.With a new resolution.I'm gonna study harder this time and try to be the best.I want to change.I don't want to be lazy. I want to show everyone that I am also capable to compete with them.well.FIGHTING!

Friday, July 3, 2009

It is over now

OMG!it's over!!I am happy!and yes I am happy because the training programme is over,new semester is starting( can't believe that I'm actually missing my U life).I was gonna cry during the goodbye session.I hugged everyone.Those who have helped me through for these whole 8-week of training.I am very very grateful and no words can explain how thankful I am to all of you.Thank you for being there.I will never forget all the good times we've been together. I love going there cause we laughed so much everyday!I think 40% of my time was spent laughing with all the staffs ^^)
the nasi lemak this morning was great!everyone showed good commitment.Just that something that made me upset,I mean all of us mad.Someone just said something to us when we were happy preparing for tea break.o god.Give me a break!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

so long..

This Friday would be the last day of being a trainee at JKM.Before I went off,some of the staffs planned to do a small farewell party for me ^^ that is so nice of them!I never thought of it cause we had it already last friday.But that was with the whole section.Everyone was so excited planning for it just now. They discussed who needs to bring what..I just smiled.And one of them said,"you don't have to bring anything cause it's for you!" omg omg..they're so nice..
I can't wait for this traning programme to end,but at the same time,I don't wanna leave all of them. These 8 weeks have given me so much of sweet memories.Except for the incident that happened on week 6 where I was cursed by someone. Well now I don't feel upset when I think bout it now.No!sometimes I feel upset.But not as bad as on the day 'it' happened.
But whatever it is, I am very very thankful for given a chance to do industrial training there. I had the chance to meet nice,amazing,important people.Learnt so many things,not just about chemistry but also about life.It has thought me a lot.So, am I prepared to face the real world?ready to start working?I am still searching for the answer..