Monday, August 23, 2010

Money money money!

To me, money has never been a problem.
Until this day, money is always there when I need them and I never feel I am short of cash or anything..
But ever since I finished studying, I think that money is always flowing out of my wallet and I feel the urge to find a job ASAP.
Now, no, everyday, the thought of NOT having money keeps playing in my head. I can't go out if I want or if I need to. I still have some loan left in the bank but I can't just rely on that now.
I am not saying I was a big spender before. I am not a shopaholic but I do spend. Not crazily.
I had a good relationship with 'money' but see what happened? >_<

I just pray for any of the companies to call me for an interview.

Money money money!Come to me!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I don't know what it is..but I feel like something is coming..
near me..
something good..something that will make me happy..
something that I am waiting for..
something I am hoping for..

whoah!if it truly happens..then this is what I call 'The Law of Attraction'


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Graduation Day

The day is finally here.

I believe that it is a tradition for one to receive flowers on her/his day of graduation. I was happy and couldn't stop imagining how my bouquet would look like..
I couldn't wait to meet my parents after we got out of the hall.
They called me to come to the tents where they sell flowers..I was seriously happy. I couldn't wait..But when I saw them..


They were empty-handed. Mother said ' I feel like laughing, they sell fake ones..'
When I turn to look at the booths, I can still see fresh flowers right behind me but I just kept quiet. I think I don't need to tell them about it. It's not important anyway.
But frankly speaking I was kinda disappointed.
People around me were holding more than one bouquet, they even have chocolates and teddy bears.
Well without wasting more time, my parents went straight to the car and I went away looking for my friends.

After struggling with the crowd I finally meet my friends. I took like 3 pictures with my friends and one of them handed me one of her bouquets when she saw me wasn't holding any. It's pathetic. Haha. Well, it's not a BIG deal to other people I guess. I was just being too emotional. It's the only degree I have and I receive nothing unless I go for masters and phD, then I can still hope for the flowers.

Moral of the story: Don't put your hopes too high.

To sum it all up, I feel happy because I now have a degree.Yay! I feel kinda sad to leave that place too. Sad for not seeing my supervisor. She didn't attend the ceremony. I guess she was busy. I met other lecturers. And I feel pathetic for not receiving any flowers when this is the opportunity for me to be receiving one.

샬린..괜찮아 big die anyway

Monday, August 9, 2010

Pre-graduation post

After 3 years of sleeping at 2am, tonight I will 'try' force myself to sleep earlier because we need to be out of the house before 7 in the morning. Tomorrow is the final day where my parents get to see their child obtain a scroll in her hands.
As the youngest child, I am happy to see my parents excited about tomorrow.

But as a future employee, I feel scared. Like, I should be proud because I am graduating from the National University of Malaysia. And I can be a chemist. Certified chemist. I keep asking myself, 'Do I feel proud obtaining a degree in chemistry?'

This is the conversation between my friend and I before our final year project's presentation:

Me: Hey, we're graduating. I feel nothing. Degree in chemistry? What the fish..?How bout you?

Friend: You know what, I feel proud getting this degree even though my result sucks.

Me: oh yeah? Why should we?It's not like we know everything about chemistry and stuff..Frankly speaking I don't think I am certified to be a chemist.-_-

Friend: You SHOULD be proud, my friend. It's not easy to get a degree in chemistry. Some more from NU. So, you should be proud of yourself!!^^

Me:ah..okay..I'll try and be proud of myself.haha

Next post:
Graduation Day

Friday, August 6, 2010

NANTA Cookin'

July 24th 2010.
I went to watch NANTA Cookin' Show in KLCC.

NANTA Cookin' is an energetic non-verbal comic musical performance combining the traditional Korean percussion performance, vigorous acrobatic movements and drama.
It was full of fun!
Some information on NANTA Cookin' show (taken from the pamphlet XD)

NANTA Cookin' made its first debut performance in Korea in October 1997. It made it's international debut in 1999 at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and received an award for best performance. Its world tour had taken it to UK, Germany, Austria, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, the Netherlands, etc. In 2004, NANTA Cookin' made its way to New York and had a successful one-and-half year run at Broadway, making it the first Asian show to open its own off-Broadway theatre.

The ajumma sitting on my right-hand side almost jumped out of her seat but the ajusshi on my left-hand site didn't make any sound.haha

I really enjoyed it. It was my first time watching musical. It was funny. They even used some Malay words and that was one of the reasons why people laughed real hard, clapped their hands and almost jumped out of their seats (like the ajumma xD).

NANTA Cookin' 죄고다!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Believe it or not

I can't believe that I actually can't wait to go back to UKM tomorrow.
So many things need to be done tomorrow.
Months ago I can't wait to be out of that place and now I miss going back there.
I miss my friends. But hey speaking of that, I just knew like 5 of my friends have started working. Three of them are working under one roof.
I never knew job-haunting is this hard. Haha.
Well, I haven't started searching for one so I better not say anything. I will start sending out my CV after tomorrow because I haven't taken my result transcript XD
Haha. My bad -_-

Picture of the day:
This is the place where they shoot 주몽 and 바람의 나라

A few minutes ago I saw my friend's post on FB stated '~everland~'!!
I am sure she's there (yongin-si gyeonggo-do) enjoying herself. Btw, it's her turn to go to Korea. My lecturer chose 3 of my classmates this time. They get to stay in a hotel in Seoul for 3 weeks!*진짜 부럽다!*

Monday, August 2, 2010

when there a will, there IS a way

I can make it happen if I want. I have plenty of time now minus the time I need to look after the kids. I can't just sit down and do nothing. If I want things to go my way I NEED to start moving! My brain says 'I can do this' and my heart says 'I have to start now to get what I want'. I am not trying to show off or being over confident but a part of me says be positive and I can get there sooner or later.
Well, good luck to me!

Just a random picture when I was in Korea.
Picture taken in front of the hostel,going to class.
친구야 학교 가자!